Friday, 29 June 2012

" life is too short to waste time hating anyone "

it is really hard to forgive someone who had done so many hurtful things to us. i once have experienced this kind of feeling before. two times i've been hurt by different person called friend and lover. u know where it goes right? i'm just a human, not a robot. then treat me like a human. i used to be like that too, full of hatred, stress all over those kinds of people. but then, God let me think. everything that happened, there must be a reason. He knows much better than us. He had planed the best for each one of us. 

what would we pray for when we are hurt? whatever that comes across at your head for that particular time is  about your anger and anger is the devil's best friend. then, what else can we do ? those feelings are killing us. till when ? we should make a good start and take a move. try to think positive things. always remember that the world is just a temporary place where pain is nothing compared to the hereafter.

to be frankly, all i want to say is be forgiving. that's the best medicine for us when we're being hurt by them. life is too short to waste time hating anyone, especially when u're trying to hate the one that u love the most...

that's all tata

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