Tuesday 8 November 2011

propa propaganda !

hoyeahh~ just a quickie. seriously kemalasan melanda diri. malas gile nak update but still
nak cerita pasal project exhibition PERSUASIVE PROPAGANDA . wuuuuu~~
camne tu ekk ? hihi here we go..

first and foremost praise to Allah. after facing difficulties doing the preparation of our exhibition, eventually
we tend to finish it successfully. Alhamdulillah... :)
i am so proud with my group members. kak najaah , yana , nufa , and ewan.
hehe ewan is the only hero in our group. pegi tesco , jusco barang2 dye angkut .
very pity . but he's so lucky actually because kitorang tadelaah buli teruk2 sgt :p
buli manja2 je . HAHA !

at first we having problems in choosing the exactly topic but then after having a fine discussion with our respected lecturer, we have made up our mind to accept the challenge to choose
PERSUASIVE PROPAGANDA. this topic is quite challenging because from what
we heard before, our super senior have not done with this topic.
honestly, i feel hesitate about what we are going to present. seriously, it is not a very good start for us
because we cannot ask our seniors about their experiences.
but we still want to try this so that we have the originality :p

we use 3 laptops and 1 LCD projector. the main of attraction for our booth is that we
create our own video. hehe . ta dapat la nak upload video tu . watak utama nye sgt pemalu. begitu juga dgn watak sampingan . hihihi . but seriously, mereka semua ade bakat berlakon =='' . hehe !
not to forget, our cameraman aizat krycylla. thank you so much .
anda sgt baik ! wink2 ;)

hmm. sumpah one day before , seram sejuk gile sbb pengarah akan datang lawat.
mlm tu dont know why , nak makan pon tak lalu. sgt2 nervous. dup dap dup dap.
berair paru2 <<--- suke sgt kan aku sebut perkataan ni . HAHA!
thanks dkat family, umi abah along sbb bg semangat .
tak lupe jugak my superfriend jmz , bg nasihat suruh rilax2 je :p
kak najaah sbb explain ckit2 pasal persuasive propaganda tu.
and semuaaa laa nufa yana ewan :p
thank you so much.

tadelaa cantik sgt but .. penat okayy buat ni .. baik cakap cantikk cepatt ! hehe

3 laptops . testimonial, bandwagon and repition :p hoyeahh!

kelima-lima kami mmg suke bergamba sakann ^_^

WANTEDD ! hihihi

our beloved leader! hihi syg yanaaananaaa <3

congrats jugak to all 1 ppismp teslians. memang gorgeous booth masing :p
thanks dkat super seniorsss . masing2 bg support , wahhh mmg besstt ! ^_^
apape pon, happy sgt sbb mdm ch'ng ade text no aku .
" tell yana n ur grp mmbers that ur xhibition was good ^o^ "
hahh.. siap buat smiley mcmtu lg . hihi.
thanks madam :p

ok tu je byebye :)

1 comment:

  1. G double O D J O B good job x 3 ! Hihi :)
