Friday 14 October 2011

just being true,true,true to yourself.

there are many instances in life when we have to put on a show so as not to hurt others OR
to impress others OR to deceive others .
hmmm. biasenye kite akan berdrama habis-habisan semata-mata nak
dipandang mulia la konon kan =,='' but slowly our true colours show if we are not
similarly, let's all try to be natural as possible.
 katakan tidak pada hipokrit! katakan tidak pada hipokrit! tidak! tidak! tidaaak! :)

khas untuk awak :

if people like you for what you are, that's seriously super fine babe!
but even if they do not like you for what you are, why don't you sit calmly
and try to analyse the reasons and change for the better ?
the most vital is, do not put on a mask to deceive others.
it is actually very tough trying to be fake you know.
you'll always be on toes worrying when people will see through yours.
always keep on trying to cover another lie but in the end you are
ONE BIG LIAR ! and.....
people will stay miles away from you.

penutup kata untuk awak : always try to be NATURAL and HONEST and
                                             you will turn out to be much happier person :)
 dah. byebye.